A1 Have You Really Thought About Your Presentation? 9:14
A2 Penthouse Is A Must 3:21
A3 20 Years Of Caring For The Nations Eyes 4:14
B1 Yes 9 10! 3:18
B2 The Cusp Of Innocence, Prettily 2:04
B3 Girls Against Shit 10:15
B4 Shit No! 2:40
B5 Pissing On A Shed 2:17
C1 Roberts Church Problems 11:24
C2 I'm MAKING My LUNCH!! 1:43
C3 Kolchak The Night Stalker 2:14
C4 Hotel Denmark (You 3 Ass, Pussy, Blow) 4:56
D1 Friseur Nelson 6:43
D2 Kings Heath Shit & Shine Appreciation Society 4:47
D3 People Like You...REALLY! 6:10
D4 Goodybe And Good Gardening 1:48
1. Mike Patton - Solitude Of Prime Numbers 2. Krojc - Odludek 3. Suuns - Zeroes Qc 4. Piętnastka - Dalia 5. Pablopavo & Praczas - Głodne Kawałki